Thursday, September 20, 2012

Too Good To Be True?

Do I really believe what I am seeing? Are all the news reports true? Is Mitt Romney's campaign really having a meltdown? The Obama campaign got the bump that I predicted, which has since receded. The polls are still tighter than they should be. But, that doesn't seem to matter at this moment in time. It seems that the Romney house of cards is beginning to collapse under it's own incompetence. As a good friend of mine likes to say about these type of situations, "The wheels have come off the bus." Since the incoherent ramblings of Clint Eastwood at the RNC, the Republicans seem to have lost their bearings. If they seemed to look puzzled while Clint was talking to that empty chair, what must their faces be looking like now? Their primary candidate can't seem to keep his foot out of his mouth. Am I happy that things are suddenly going our way, yes! But I get that nagging feeling that, it's all too good to be true.

I know that the former governor of a progressive state like Massachusetts has more political savvy than to jump out ahead of a sitting president during a major overseas crisis. But there was Governor Romney, making a statement  that criticized  President Obama, even before all the details were known about the assault on the embassy in Libya. An attack that killed our ambassador and three other Americans. Then as you thought that maybe a news cycle would pass without another Romney gaffe...the all too damning 47% secretly taped video emerges.The more I watch the video, and hear what he is saying, the tighter the noose appears to get around the neck of the Romney campaign. Each little tidbit reveals more about Mitt Romney's character.

The piling on of Romney has been relentless. Bill Kristol, a known conservative, has said that the Romney comments in the video were "stupid." There are indications and rumors that the Romney camp is in disarray, and MSNBC has seemed as if they are on a Romney campaign "death watch." Lawrence O'Donnell has called him a "very desperate man". Bill Maher has said that Romney's comments ,regarding the Libya attack, essentially ended his campaign. And Al Sharpton...well Reverend Al is having a field day. But Politico did make a salient point in an article. They essentially said that the Romney campaign isn't over until "Karl Rove sings." Essentially when Rove starts to focus on other Republican operatives, and less on the Romney camp, then we can pretty much write the whole thing off.  The almost endless Romney campaign for the Presidency will come to a fitting end. As a compassionate human being, who is in a profession that cares for people, I almost feel sorry for Mr. Romney. That downtrodden, unprepared, almost scared look that he has when he approaches a podium to explain his latest "foot in mouth insertion" does almost pull at the heart strings...but as a staunch Democrat...I don't have much sympathy. What's bad for him is good for us. But that voice inside of my head keeps asking this too good to be true?

So why do I still worry?  Why am I giving up my Saturday morning "Tae-Bo" classes to phone bank or canvass for Obama? We have this in the bag right? As I have stated in previous blogs....NO! I am still concerned with even the concept  or remote possibility of voter suppression. (Rove is still going to try to steal this election....I just know it) I am concerned that events overseas and here at home could negatively impact the election. I am concerned that although the polls still show Obama ahead, it is still not a comfortable lead. The convention bounce should still be soaring, but according to Gallup, it is quickly coming back to earth. I'm concerned that an economy that is still so unpredictable, could affect the outcome on November 6.  I am concerned that Mr. Romney could  become coherent, and suddenly start making sense. I am concerned about the billions of dollars being poured into this campaign, especially in ads against Obama. Most of all, I am concerned about voter apathy! The general public....especially in these battleground states, have been assaulted by campaign commercials for well over a year. By now they have become "white noise,' and no one is really paying attention.

A recent survey has said that if voters come out en-masse on November 6, like we did in 2008, President Obama has a 91% chance of being re-elected. My concern is that if the President does well in the debates, and his poll numbers begin to look insurmountable....people will think that their vote won't have any effect. anyway. Consequently they may not show up at the polls. That could affect the number of electoral votes awarded, especially in the crucial swing states that have been touted in the news. That could swing the momentum in the other direction, and Romney could end up becoming an accidental President. (this theory according to Jonathan....who hasn't taken a political science course in his life....just saying)

So I will continue to do my part, make phone calls, knock on doors, wave signs and encourage people to VOTE. Early voting actually starts on October 27 and runs through November 1.  Is the Romney campaign collapse too good to be true? Maybe it is, maybe it's not. But that is no reason for us to sit on our laurels, gloat, spike the football, or celebrate. There is work to be done. Obama supporters can all rest and breath comfortably when I pick up my copy of the Washington Post on Wednesday, Nov 7 and see that the President has been re-elected. I am hoping to see the words that I was introduced to when President Nixon was re-elected......."by a landslide!"

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